In English

In English

Photo: Kristianstads kommun/Stefan Sjölund

My name is Jonas Nordin. I am an historian and professor of Book and Library History at Lund University. I was born in 1968 and live in Stockholm together with my wife, two sons and a daughter.

I have a PhD in history from Stockholm University, where I am also an associate professor. In the years 2007–2018 I worked at Kungliga biblioteket/The National Library of Sweden. My research focus is on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and I like to combine political history and cultural history in my research. Most of this website is in Swedish, but below you will find information about some of my publications in other languages.

Contact me at: jonas.nordin{a}

My web presentation at: Lund University.

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7220-9442

In English

In French

”L’esprit de paix ou la naissance d’une opposition contre la guerre en Suède au XVIIIe siècle”, Revue d’histoire nordique, 14 (2012) pp. 97–130.

In German

”Von ‚fremder Unterdrückung’ zur ‚ Freiheitszeit’. Die Vorstellung von frihet im frühneuzeitlichen Schweden”, in: Georg Schmidt/Martin van Gelderen, Christopher Snigula (Hrsg.), Kollektive Freiheitsvorstellungen im frühneuzeitlichen Europa (1400–1850). Jenaer Beiträge zur Geschichte 8 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2006), pp. 145–158.

In Russian

”Политические реформы и риторика в Швеции XVIII в.” [Political Reforms and Rhetoric in Sweden in the Eighteenth Century], in: М. М. Кром & Л. А. Пименова (eds), Феномен реформ на западе и востоке Европы в начале Нового времени (xvi–xviii вв.): сборник статей [The Phenomenon of Reform in Western and Eastern Europe in Early-Modern Times (16th–18th Centuries): an anthology] (Saint Petersburg: European University, 2013) pp. 195–213.

In Finnish